The Ramones, live in Montevideo, Uruguay on November 14, 1994. FM Broadcast.
"Opening with Sergio Leone's theme from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, it's safe to say The Ramones still fancied themselves as rock 'n' roll cowboys when they took to the stage in Montevideo, Uruguay's capital city, where a largely unreported but longstanding punk scene continues to blossom. That little nugget of information aside, this is a live recording of one of the US' most influential guitar outfits of the late-20th Century, in their 20th year as a force to be reckoned with.
Of course, by this point The Ramones had changed from their formative years, Tommy, Dee Dee, and Richie Ramone all having handed respective batons, and instruments, to others. There's also the argument that after two decades in the game, the ferocity and vitality that originally saw them inspire an entire generation of rebellious talent had waned. We say check the energy and spittle-soaked atmosphere here, then decide."