The Stooges were a no brakes act who careered inexorably towards annihilation. They finally hit the wall in 1974, after the most horrible blow out imaginable at the Michigan Palace, where Iggy practically begged to be crucified by an angry mob. But remember this kids, Iggy hated himself so much he wanted to live. Keep Me Safe Keep Me Sane is a collection of studio outtakes, tour rehearsals and depraved live cuts from The Stooges, all taken from their tumultuous 1972 period when Iggy Pop had truly lost himself within the realms of heroin addiction. Reforming with the original line up following their initial break up in 1971, due to being unable to find adequate replacements; bitterness, ego and drug abuse were all rife as the band began touring and crafting what would eventually lead to their 1973 masterwork Raw Power, with the compilation even offering early versions of the title-track as well as 'Death Trip'.